
BTV is a company with mind & attitude. From this attitude and inward conviction, we work intensively with topics concerning the future, develop sustainable solutions, and take bold steps.

Sun shines on leaves of a tree
Mountain landscape in summer with alpine pastures and green meadows

Sustainability report

Read more about mind & attitude in the BTV  sustainability report from the fiscal year 2022 (german).

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The future belongs to those who shape it and take responsibility for it. We do this along with our customers – hand in hand.

Gerhard Burtscher

Chair of the Management Board

Chairman of the Board Gerhard Burtscher

Our conviction

We are a company with mind & attitude. Mind means recognising what’s right. Attitude means doing what’s right. We’re responsible for social, economic, and ecological concerns. Through our long-term, forward-looking, and reliable actions, we contribute to the wellbeing of future generations.

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The EU has taken on a leading role regarding climate protection and given itself high goals with the European Green Deal. To reach this goal, the EU Action Plan to finance sustainable growth was passed, which requires a new direction of the capital flows toward a sustainable economy.

Among other things, this will require greater transparency regarding finance companies’ investment decisions and pursuit of sustainability. The Disclosure Regulation / Reg. (EU) 2019/2088 prescribes content that must be published. It includes requirements for sustainability-related disclosures of financial products and regulations on publishing strategies on handling sustainability risks and handling the most important detrimental effects on sustainability factors.

Blue BTV fair furture brand with solar panels in the background.

BTV Sustainable Finance Framework

The BTV bases its economic actions on high moral and ethical principles. This is reflected in our product range and services and in our responsibility toward our customers, the environment, and society. The BTV advises and supports companies in forward-looking projects aimed at more sustainable management.

Sustainable refinancing instruments are issued to that end. These include bonds and similar instruments as well as sustainable investment products for raising capital. The funds flowing from this will be used exclusively to award financing to qualified sustainable projects or borrowers. The BTV’s fair future product range is regulated by the BTV Sustainable Finance Framework.

Sustainable Finance Framework der BTV

External validation

The BTV intends to commission external validations for each item in the sustainable BTV fair future product range issued as part of the Sustainable Finance Framework. These are primarily SPOs (Second Party Opinions). Furthermore, the BTV reports on all the outstanding financing instruments under the Sustainable Finance Framework after complete allocation of the issue proceeds or, at least once annually and in a publicly accessible form, on the status of the sustainable financing. These reports are also checked by an external body and published on the BTV’s website.

Sustainable investing

How does sustainability already figure into your private life, and what can you accomplish through your investments? How do you align your portfolio according to predictive investment strategies? How do you convert your assets into a future-proof, sustainable investment? When we meet with customers, we focus on the importance of sustainable investments under the motto ‘Investing with mind & attitude’. BTV aims to offer a broad, high-quality range of its own products in this area as well as ESG-tested third-party products.

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BTV exclusion list

  • Exclusion list (german)

    The BTV exclusion list includes products, technologies and business activities that are incompatible with the principles of sustainability. These criteria apply to the entire banking business and in all four countries.

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Our employees win our customers over by handling their deposits reliably, sustainably, and successfully. And we perform well in international rankings. We’ve also achieved excellent results as an employer and in terms of service orientation.

  • Awards and success in the past do not guarantee success or continued growth in the future.