
Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft
Stadtforum 1
6020 Innsbruck


Telephone +43 505 333-0

Legal structure: joint-stock company
Registered office: Innsbruck, registered at the Regional Court and Commercial Court of Innsbruck under FN 32942w
VAT Number: ATU 31712304
DVR 0018902
GIIN: 8JJ8VI.00000.LE.040
QI-EIN: 98-0236304


Competent supervisory authority

Austrian Financial Market Authority
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
1090 Vienna


Chamber/professional association

Austrian Economic Chamber
Banking and Insurance Division
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
1045 Vienna


Applicable provisions of commercial and professional law

Applicable legal provisions include the BWG [Austrian Banking Act], the ZaDiG [Austrian Payment Services Act], and the WAG [Austrian Securities Supervision], as amended. Retrievable at no charge under:


Corporate purpose

Conclude banking and trade transactions of all types


Persons involved with the media owner pursuant to § 25 MedienG [Austrian Media Act]

BTV Shareholder Structure


Stadtforum 1
6020 Innsbruck


Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft


Foundation Board:
Friedrich Braito (chairman)
Elisabeth Vollweiter
Alois Niederhauser


Foundation purpose:
The foundation serves exclusively and directly

  • the free or discounted issue of shares in Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft to the beneficiaries;
  • the fiduciary custody and administration of shares of the beneficiaries;
  • the uniform execution of the voting rights attached to the shares held and administered in trust transferred by the beneficiaries; and
  • the acquisition and temporary holding of shares in Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft for a period of several years up to a share of 10% (ten percent) of the voting rights for the purpose of free or reduced-price delivery to the beneficiaries, with the delivery taking place mandatory according to plan.


Beneficiaries of the foundation within the meaning of Section 4d Para 4 Z 4 EStG are exclusively all employees (and their dependents within the meaning of Section 4d Para 5 Z 3 EStG) of the founder who are declared beneficiaries by the Foundation Board. 


BTV Privatstiftung

Stadtforum 1
6020 Innsbruck


Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft


Foundation Board:
Mag. Matthias Ampferer
Roswitha Kals
Mag. Michael Oberwalder


Foundation purpose:
The foundation’s sole purpose is to directly and completely forward income from investments arising from participations in the Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft or its affiliated group companies to the beneficiaries in the year of inflow.


Employees who are in an employment relationship that has not been interrupted or terminated for at least 18 months at the time of annual dividend payout and who are subject to the collective agreement for banks and bankers.



Oberbank AG

Untere Donaulände 28
4020 Linz
Corporate purpose: credit institute
Shareholder structure of Oberbank AG


St. Veiter Ring 43
9020 Klagenfurt
Corporate purpose: credit institute
Shareholder structure of BKS Bank AG

G3B Holding AG

Landskrongasse 1-3
1010 Vienna
Corporate purpose: acquire, possess, manage, and sell participations in domestic and foreign companies, enter into cooperation agreements, or participate in and take over the management and representation of other companies.
Shareholder structure of G3B Holding AG


UniCredit Bank Austria AG

Schottengasse 6-8
1010 Vienna
Corporate purpose: credit institute
Shareholder structure of UniCredit Bank Austria AG


CABO Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H.

Renngasse 2
1010 Vienna
Corporate purpose: holding company without operative activity as a 100% subsidiary of CABET-Holding-GmbH Schottengasse 6-8 1010 Vienna with Company Register Number FN 72890 t , which in turn is a 100% subsidiary of Uni Credit – Bank Austria AG.

Bodies of the BTV

Management Board

Gerhard Burtscher
Chair of the Management Board

Mario Pabst
Member of the Management Board

Dr. Markus Perschl, MBA
Member of the Management Board


Supervisory Board

Honorary President

Dr. Hermann Bell , Linz



Hanno Ulmer, Wolfurt
Elected until the regular shareholders’ meeting in 2025, first elected on 11.05.2012


Mag. Sonja Zimmermann, Vienna
Elected until the regular shareholders‘ meeting in 2028, first elected on 08.05.2018


Mag. Hannes Bogner, Arcozelo
Elected until the regular shareholders‘ meeting in 2028, first elected on 10.06.2020

Angela Falkner, Sölden
Elected until the regular shareholders‘ meeting in 2028, first elected on 08.05.2018

Dr. Franz Gasselsberger, MBA, Linz
Elected until the regular shareholders‘ meeting in 2027, first elected on 24.04.2002

KR Mag. Nikolaus Juhász, Klagenfurt
Elected until the regular shareholders‘ meeting in 2029, first elected on 15.05.2024

Mag. Martha Kloibmüller, Linz
Elected until the regular shareholders‘ meeting in 2026, first elected on 10.05.2023

Dr. Andreas König, Innsbruck
Elected until the regular shareholders‘ meeting in 2029, first elected on 10.05.2006

Arno Schuchter, Wien
Elected until the regular shareholders‘ meeting in 2026, first elected on 11.05.2016

Dr. Herta Stockbauer, Klagenfurt
Elected until the regular shareholders‘ meeting in 2028, first elected on 14.05.2014


Employee representatives
(delegated to the Supervisory Board by the Workers’ Council)

Harald Gapp , Chairman of the Central Workers’ Council, Innsbruck
Harald Praxmarer , Deputy chairman of the Workers’ Council, Neustift im Stubaital
Thiemo Perterer , Member of the Workers’ Council, Axams
Birgit Fritsche , Member of the Workers’ Council, Nüziders
Bettina Lob , Member of the Workers’ Council, Vils

State Commissioners

State Commissioner Dr. Michael Manhard, Innsbruck
Deputy State Commissioner Mag. Ewelina Boula, Wien

Basic direction
Showing and presenting the company and information on the essential products and services of the Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft.


Legal notice and exclusion of liability
The Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft (BTV) has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided on its websites was correct and complete when it was provided. However, unintentional or accidental errors might occur, for which the BTV apologises. We give no guarantee for any information on the websites.


The data and information on BTV AKTUELL is provided by Reuters, Bloomberg, SIX Telekurs, OeKB, 3-Banken Generali Investment-Gesellschaft m.b.H, Google News and their licensors, and other providers of data and information.



The BTV reserves the right to change or supplement the information provided without prior announcement. The BTV does not inspect other websites containing links to the BTV’s internet sites in terms of content or lawfulness. The expressions used in the websites, such as ‘customer’, ‘manager’, or ‘employee’, refer equally to both women and men.

Pursuant to the E-commerce act, the Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg AG must point out that emails sent to the BTV are retrieved and processed only during normal banking hours. For BTV customers, BTV points out the necessity of a proper agreement to conclude banking transactions.

BTV locations